Starfleet' Memory Alpha Wikia
Thunder 2


Jeffrey Thunder is an Ensign in Starfleet', and the current chief medical officer aboard IndustriousSpock's unnamed star ship.


Jeffrey Thunder graduated from the academy with moderate grades, and determination to make himself a big name in Starfleet'.

Unfortunately, he was assigned to an Earth medical base. Thunder never enjoyed staying on Earth, he said himself that he wanted to explore the cosmos. Finally, upon the approval of IndustriousSpock's ship design, he was assigned to said ship, much to his glee. He is currently waiting for the ship to be completed. Until it is completed, he will be shifting back and forth on temporary assignments to various ships.



It is well known to Jeffrey's fellow officers that he has a love interest in her. However, the fact that Yana is gay all but ruins his chances. Still, he tries to convince her that he's the guy for her.
